Published: Thu, 03/19/2020 - 17:35

UNLV Continuing Education has initiated a new advertising campaign to encourage its past loyal and future new students to “Never Stop Learning.” Created by B&P Advertising, the campaign and its new look began with a soft roll out in August with the Fall 2012 Continuing Education Catalog. In the months ahead, you will see and hear the “Never Stop Learning” message in print, online and on the air in such media as BLVD magazine, KNPR, Facebook, and digital outdoor billboards.
“Our goal is to increase awareness about what Continuing Education is and what we can do,” said Emmanuel “Meni” Sarris, director of Continuing Education. “We are flexible and always there to meet your educational needs and those of the community at large – whether you own a business and need to train your staff or if you and a group of friends want to take a class in something unique.”
Please let us know what you think about the campaign. Send your comments to
Listen to the "Never Stop Learning" radio spot.
Digital Outdoor Ad:

Print  Ad: