We provide this list for informational purposes only. It does not imply, guarantee, or in any way promise you will receive financial assistance. The Division of Educational Outreach does not financially benefit from any of the financial assistance resources listed.

  • fastweb.com - Search for scholarships and grants at a site developed by the same company that developed monster.com for job searches.
  • federalgrantswire.com/department-of-justice-federal-grants.html - Browse a listing of various grant and loan programs.
  • nevada211.org - See if you qualify for career transition or training funds through a variety of non-profit agencies in the area.
  • Employer Tuition Assistance - Check with your employer to see if they offer education benefits and, if so, if you are eligible.
  • Private Loans - Check with your bank or credit union to see if they offer low interest loans for education or career training. These loans are offered by private banks and lending institutions and differ from federal student loans. The applicant must meet the lender's credit requirements, and the loan very often requires a co-signer. The interest rate, terms, and conditions vary among lenders. UNLV accepts and works with all nonfederal private alternative student loan providers. Students are encouraged to explore their options and find the loan that best meets their needs; borrow only what you need.
  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan - A specific type of private loan that requires the university to assist in the application process. For more information about this loan, visit Sallie Mae Information and Application Tips.
  • Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow (FIT) - Call on Monday mornings, (702) 367-4348 at 8 a.m., to reserve space in an orientation session to learn about this resource. You must be over 18, be a Nevada resident, have a GED and be eligible to work in the U.S.
  • The Education IDA program offers funding to help with training and higher education. Participants contribute to a 6 month minimum, 8:1 match savings program. They can be matched for a contribution of up to $400, resulting in $4000 in match funding, for a total of $4500 for post-secondary education. To learn about eligibility requirements and get more information, contact the Financial Guidance Center at 702-364-0344, toll free at 800-451-4505, or email Lina@FinancialGuidanceCenter.org